Today we started our 3rd unit in social studies. We began by labeling physical features of the continent of Africa that will be on a quiz next Thursday, September 28th. Also on that quiz will be about 6 vocabulary matching questions from the vocabulary list students received on Google Classroom today. I will do a notebook check of the vocabulary and definitions on Friday, September 22nd. In English, we are continuing our study of the correct use of punctuation marks, including: periods, exclamation points, question marks, commas, semicolons, colons, and quotation marks. For spelling this week, we will be splitting the list into two parts. We will have a test over numbers 1-10 this week and have one bonus word possibility on the test. The practice packet will be due next Thursday and then on Friday, the 29th, we will test over words 11-20 and have one more bonus word possibility on that test.