4th Grade Syllabus

 4th Grade Syllabus

  While we do have great textbooks that contain a lot of great information, the things the students learn will be driven by the Curriculum of the Diocese of Jefferson City.  https://diojeffcity.org/school-office/

 There will be things in the textbooks that we do not cover as well as information outside of the textbook that your children need to know.  Below is a little taste of some of the things the students will learn this year.


We will be doing literature book clubs this year with a variety of great books!  We will also be reviewing and developing a variety of reading strategies and focusing on comprehension and vocabulary, as well as completing creative book reports and projects.  Finally, throughout the year we will be participating in the Accelerated Reader program. This program is new this year since Reading Counts is no longer in use. We will give you more information on the new program as we learn more this year.


Our goals for this year are understanding the faith of the Catholic Church, living out the faith in everyday life, and growing as a person of faith.  Some of the topics we will be learning about are the Sacraments, vocations, liturgical seasons, the Beatitudes, The Rosary, the Fruits of the Spirit, and the saints.  We will be going to Mass every Wednesday morning at 8:00 am. 


In Grammar, we will use a combination of whole class, small group, and individual instruction to review and explore a variety of skills.  Our goal will be to apply the newly learned skills and transfer them to other content areas.  These skills will include the use of sentences, subjects/predicates, nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, and prepositions.

In Writing, we will use the steps of the writing process (pre-write/research, draft, revise, proofread, and publish) to create many different types of writing.  These will include a personal narrative, writings that compare, persuasive writing, explanatory writing, story writing, and expository writing.  Listening and speaking skills will be developed as the stories are presented in class as well as in other classes.


  We will be using Saxon Math again this year.  This is the same text as last year, but with more advanced exercises.  Children will have written work to do every day, but they will have time to work in the classroom and ask questions.  We highly recommend this.  Depending on how quickly your child works, s/he may not finish in class.  I strongly suggest that all children bring home their work every day so that you can go over it with them and review.  This goes a long way to help them retain the information of the day.


 In the first unit we will be discussing endangered species, habitats, and more.  In this unit your child will also create a terrarium with living and nonliving things.  More information will come home about that soon.

 In the remaining units we will cover things such as vertebrates and invertebrates, organ systems, the solar system, rocks, soil, erosion, and deposition.  Later in the year we will study the water cycle, water conservation, layers of the atmosphere, and our weather.  At the end of the year we will be learning about the different states of matter and doing many cool activities with that!  We will also learn about the many forms of energy and then spend time focusing on electricity and magnetism.  The children will also learn about static and current electricity. They will even be able to create series and parallel circuits with bulbs, wires, and batteries!

 Social Studies

  This year we will be focusing on the 5 main regions of the United States and how the following principles apply to that region. First, we will learn how the government plays a role in establishing and maintaining community spaces, applying civic virtues, and developing democratic principles. Next, we will learn about the people, customs, major cities, and geography of each state as well as have the children learn the states and capitals of each region.  In addition to those, the students will learn economic principles and will learn about economic decision making. We will also discuss how individuals and groups work together to bring about continuity and change in society. Finally, we will use our resources to learn about the world and compare the perspectives of those resources to justify claims of causation and argumentation in society for each region.


  Each week on Monday students will be given a Spelling packet. This packet will have the list for the upcoming test as well as skills that will assist them with learning their words. These packets are due before the test and we highly encourage parents to look over these packets with their child so that they can correct problems and do their best. In both Mrs. Raymer’s room  and Mrs. Zumwalt’s room, the test is on Friday.


Other Class Items:

Please note - The things written in this procedure booklet are subject to change. Any changes made will be communicated to parents via email.



Assignments are due the next class period unless told otherwise by the teacher. Per the Parent- Student Handbook, students in th grade will receive 2 oops 1st quarter, 2-4 quarter to green slips for any missing/ late assignments.




Good, positive behavior is expected at all times.  We do use the BIST behavior strategy.  If you are unsure of the method, it is well defined in the student handbook.  Students should always act responsibly and respectfully toward everyone.  In the classroom, we expect that your child will raise his/her hand before speaking and before leaving his/her seat.  Students should demonstrate good listening skills when others are speaking by not talking.  This is of utmost importance when the morning announcements are on as there is often needed information for us to hear.


To promote positive behavior in the classroom, the children could have a chance to earn CBG’s.  CBG stands for “Caught Being Good” and is given when we witness a commendable act that models a positive behavior.  This CBG is good for various incentives in the classroom.


Birthday Treats


Birthday treats are welcome at 2:45.  Please let us know at least a day in advance before sending treats so that we may plan to allow time for the celebration.   Refrigerated or frozen treats need to be brought to the office just before 2:45 as we do not have room to keep them. Please package treats individually for easy distribution. 




In 4th grade students can expect up to 45 minutes of homework Monday through Thursday.  Social Studies and Science will meet five days a week for 45 minutes each day.  There will be an increase in homework in these areas.


Homework assignments are to be turned in on the date they are due.  For late homework, students will receive an “Oops” notice that must be signed by the parent and returned the next day of school.  After the third offense the student will have to attend Homework Helpers or “noon study”.  Each time an assignment is late after the third offense the student will be sent to Homework Helpers automatically.  There will be no starting over at the new quarter.  Every child has 2 “Oops” passes that are good throughout the year.  They do not expire at the end of the first quarter.


Homework for the day is always written on the board for the students to copy into their student planner.  It is their responsibility to write it daily and take home the needed materials to complete it.  The homework will also be posted on our classroom websites which can be found on the school website, www.saintpeterjc.org. Go to the “School Site”. First click on the “About Us” tab and then the “Faculty” page. Find Mrs. Zumwalt and click on the webpage link. You can also save the URL below which will take you straight to the webpage:






We visit the Library as a class on Tuesday’s from 8:00-8:40. Students should keep library books in their book bags at all times when they are not reading them.  This will prevent leaving them at home on Library days.


We have a large classroom library that I make available for the students to read as well! I ask that students please be honest in returning the books and take care of them.

Morning Procedure


When students enter the classroom they should empty out all needed materials for the day from their backpacks, hang up their backpacks on their designated hooks in the coat closet, have a quiet seat and begin working on the morning work.


Almost every morning an assignment will be written on the board for them to complete before the announcements begin.  We will be trying out a new “soft start” to our day with morning bins. Students will get the designated bin of supplies and create, build, explore, and be inventive with that particular material. I hope this will be a great way for students to start their day! 

Occasionally, there could be a few Math problems, a sentence to correct, or a question to answer.  This should be completed on loose leaf or the paper provided and turned in before lunch if possible.  If it is not turned in by the end of the day it is considered homework.




Students will be expected to write notes from the board or smart board in almost every subject.  These notes are to be written in a designated section of their notebooks. Notes may be collected throughout the year to check if the student is showing responsibility for their work and keeping up with the class.




A copy of your child’s daily schedule is attached.  “MAP” stands for Music, Art, and PE.   In 4th grade, the students will attend their MAP class each day from 10:40-11:20.  


4Z Rotation:    A = Art       B = PE        C = Music


Contact Information  


Kate Zumwalt

E-mail address:  kzumwalt@stpeterjc.org 


Please remember that the best way to reach us is by e-mail.  Although we do have voicemail, it is not our preferred method of communication.  Responses to questions will be answered in a more timely fashion via e-mail.

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