Welcome to 4th Grade! Here you can find links to assignments, newsletters, upcoming events, and fun things happening in our classroom!
I look forward to sharing this year with you and making this year fantastic!
Pictures of our first Break Out Box Activity!
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The class completed their first Breakout Box activity during testing week! They used good communication, teamwork, and problem solving skills to solve the puzzle and unlock the box!
We have had lots of fun getting to know our classmates and are beginning to dive into our curriculum! Today we became “surgeons” to determine whether the “bones” (sentences) were broken or complete and discussed with our teams how we could fix the broken bones to make them complete! It was a good time! Enjoy the pictures below and have a great weekend! I also added a couple pictures I snapped at recess and then one of the 4th graders having their safety talk with Mr. Veit! We go over drop off and dismissal procedures each year to remind students how to be safe on the big flat.
Welcome to 4th Grade! I am thrilled to have you in my class this year! Please take some time to read through the syllabus and familiarize yourself with our class blog. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me. I will post assignments daily so you can check here if you are unsure of any assignments. I will also occasionally post some pictures from class activities or reminders about upcoming events. I look forward to meeting everyone at open house on Monday, August 12th from 4:30-6:30 pm. We kick off a great year with our first day on Wednesday, August 14th! God Bless, Mrs. Kate Zumwalt