Assignments: Thursday, August 22, 2019
Reading: Re-read story and review for quiz (Friday)
English: Lesson 4 Combining Sentences: Compound- practice page 4
Spelling: Practice packet pages 22-23 and review for test (Friday)
Math: Lesson 4 Place Value- p. 26-27 (3-21 odds only)
Science: Close Activity p. 12
Social Studies: Complete Timeline Activity (Due: Friday morning)
English: Lesson 4 Combining Sentences: Compound- practice page 4
Spelling: Practice packet pages 22-23 and review for test (Friday)
Math: Lesson 4 Place Value- p. 26-27 (3-21 odds only)
Science: Close Activity p. 12
Social Studies: Complete Timeline Activity (Due: Friday morning)