Back to School!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer break! I have spent the summer working on house projects, reading some great books, and spending some quality time with family and friends! Although I love having the time to relax and recharge, I am eager to begin the new year with a wonderful new group of kiddos! This year I will be joining the 4th grade team and I am thrilled! Fourth grade is a year full of many challenges as students take their learning to the next level... they say that in kindergarten through third grade, you learn to read and from fourth grade on, you read to learn... I find this to be SO true! Despite the challenges this year may bring, there will also be many triumphs! The students truly grow tremendously at this age... developing more independence and growing even stronger in their faith. I look forward to partnering with each family to ensure that each child has a successful and positive year! Communication between home and school is VERY important to me, so check here often for updates, look for notes or important information coming home, and of course feel free to email me at any time with questions or concerns!

Here are some important Back-to-School dates:

- July 31st - Registration - School Office 12-7 pm
- August 1st - Registration - School Office 12-7 pm

- August 1st- Back to School Swim Party 7:30- 9:00 pm (more info on school website)

- August 11th- Open House 9:30-12:00 (bring supplies and visit our classroom- I can't wait to meet you!)
        * 8th Grade Pancake and Sausage Breakfast 8:00-12:00 pm

* Uniform Resale - Selinger Gym - 9:30-noon

- August 14th- First Day of School!

See you soon!

God Bless,

Mrs. Zumwalt

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